HTML - <plaintext> Tag

HTML <plaintext> tag is used to render all text in the document exactly as it was typed in, including all tags and even the document tags.

This tag ignores all formatting for the rest of the document, displaying all text exactly as it is. It cannot be turned off.

The <plaintext> tag is no longer recommended as it is deprecated. Instead of using this tag, we can use the <pre> tag.




HTML nobr tag supports Global attributes of HTML.

Examples of HTML plaintext Tag

Bellow example will illustrate the usage of plaintext tag. Where, when and how to use plaintext tag.

Rendering Everything after Plaintext

In the following example we will render the everything after the plaintext tag.

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>HTML plaintext Tag</title>
   Form here all the tag, text anything we 
   put will be render onf the browser as it is

Supported Browsers

Tag Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera
plaintext Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes