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JavaScript Number toLocaleString() Method

The JavaScript Number toLocaleString() method is used to represent a number as a string, using the locale language format. The locale language depends on the locales set up on your computer. It returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this number.

Note: Locales is a string with a BCP 47 language tag, or an array of such strings.

Following are the lists of some locales for different countries −

  • en-IN − Represents the locale for an "Indian" English.
  • en-US − Represents the locale for an "US" English.
  • ar-EG − Represents the locale for an "Arabic" langauge.


Following are the syntax of JavaScript Number toLocaleString() method −

toLocaleString(locales, options)


This method accepts two parameters named 'locales' and 'options', where the 'locales' parameter is optional, which are described below −

  • locales (optional) − It is a specific language format to use.
  • options − It is an object adjusting the output format.

Return value

This method returns string representing the given number according to language-specific format.

Example 1

If no parameter is passed to this method, it returns the number as a string using the default locale language format.

<title>JavaScript toLocaleString() method</title>
   const number = 2345;
   document.write("Given option value = ", number);
   document.write("<br>String representation = ", number.toLocaleString());


The above program returns the new string representation as 2, 345 −

Given option value = 2345
String representation = 2,345

Example 2

If we pass 'fi-FI' as the optional 'locale' parameter value, it will format a number into a string using the Finnish language and conventions.

<title>JavaScript toLocaleString() method</title>
   const number = 120131;
   const locale = "fi-FI";
   document.write("Given number value = ", number);
   document.write("<br>Locale value = ", locale);
   document.write("<br>String representation(FINLAND language) = ", number.toLocaleString(locale));


The above program converts the number value into the string using the specific language 'FINLAND'.

Given number value = 120131
Locale value = fi-FI
String representation(FINLAND language) = 120 131

Example 3

If we pass 'en-US' as the 'locale' parameter value and 'USD' as the 'option' parameter value, it will format the number as a string using the US English language and currency.

<title>JavaScript toLocaleString() method</title>
   const number = 1350;
   const locale = "en-US";
   const option = {style: "currency", currency: "USD"};
   document.write("Given number value = ", number);
   document.write("<br>Locale value = ", locale);
   document.write("<br>Option value = ", option.style, ' : ', option.currency);
   document.write("<br>String representation(US) = ", number.toLocaleString(locale, option));


After executing the above program, it will convert the number as string into the US currency format.

Given number value = 1350
Locale value = en-US
Option value = currency : USD
String representation(US) = $1,350.00