Ancient Indian History - Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Ancient Indian History. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - Consider the following statements:

1. The most popular deity of Sangam period was Murugan.

2. Murugan is also named as Karthikeya, the son of Lord Siva.

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

A - Only 1

B - Only 2

C - Both

D - Neither 1 nor 2

Answer : C

Q 2 - After the Rig Veda, which one of the following Vedic text repeated the origin of the Chaturvarna system?

A - Sam Veda

B - Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

C - Satapatha Brahmana

D - Atharva Veda

Answer : B


After the Rig Veda, Brihadaranyaka Upnishad retreated the Chaturvarna system.

Answer : C


Henotheism means worshiping one god out of many.

Q 4 - Consider the following statements:

1. Milind-Panha is written by Nagasen.

2. Milind-Panha is originally written in Pali language.

Choose the correct answer from the given codes:

A - Only 1

B - Only 2

C - Both

D - Neither 1 nor 2

Answer : C


Milind-Panha deals with the conversation that took place between Sage Nagasen and King Milind in the form of questions and answers.

Q 5 - In reference to the Vedic period, the term ‘Rathakara’ refers …

A - Medicine man

B - Chariot maker

C - Potter

D - Arrow maker

Answer : B


During the Vedic period, Rathakara term typically used for the chariot maker.

Q 6 - Who among the following constructed the Sanchi stupa?

A - Bindusara

B - Ajatasatru

C - Chandragupta

D - Asoka

Answer : D


Ashoka's wife, Devi personally supervised the construction of Sanchi stupa. Sanchi was her birthplace.

Q 7 - In reference to Jain Tirthankara, Boar represents …

A - Vimalanatha

B - Anantanatha

C - Dharmanatha

D - Shantinatha

Answer : A


It is represented by golden color.

Q 8 - Huns attacked during the reign of …

A - Kumargupta

B - Samudragupta

C - Chandragupta II

D - Skandagupta

Answer : D


Skandaputa ruled between 455 AD and 467 AD.

Q 9 - A massive fortification wall of semi-undressed stones was found at …………

A - Harappa

B - Sutkagendor

C - Surkotada

D - Lothal

Answer : C

Q 10 - Who said that the Harappan civilization was declined because of the ‘ecological degradation?’

A - George F. Dales

B - Marshal

C - Lambrick

D - Daya Ram Sahni

Answer : A

Q 11 - In reference to the Vedic age, the term ‘Pushan’ refers …

A - Protector of cattle

B - Gods of storm

C - Goddess of eternity

D - Goddesses of dawn

Answer : A


The term Pushan refers the protector of cattle.

Q 12 - In reference to Jainism, Nirgrantha refers …

A - Perfect learned

B - One who conquered his senses

C - Free from all bonds

D - Brave

Answer : C


Nirgrantha is a popular name of Mahabir Jaina.

Q 13 - Who among the following has written the book Kadambari?

A - Banabhatta

B - Abul Bashar

C - Tulsidas

D - Nagabhatta

Answer : A


Kadambari is a romantic novel written in Sanskrit.

Q 14 - Which one of the following period is the youngest?

A - Neolithic

B - Iron age

C - Bronze age

D - Chalcolithic

Answer : B


Among all, iron age is the youngest one.

Q 15 - In reference to the ancient period, the term Samadhi refers …

A - Equanimity

B - Concentration

C - Compassion

D - Universal love

Answer : B

Q 16 - Who among the following had attacked and killed Pulakesin II?

A - Narsimhavarman

B - Govinda III

C - Boja

D - Dantidurga

Answer : A


Narsimhavarman was a Pallava ruler.

Q 17 - Which one of the following Indus sites is located at the southern end?

A - Ropar

B - Bhagatrav

C - Sutkagendor

D - Alamgirpur

Answer : B


Bhagatrav was the southernmost site of Harappan civilization.

Q 18 - In reference to Indian Philosophy, who is the founder of UttaraMimansa?

A - Kapial

B - Badarayana

C - Akshapada Gautama

D - Uluka Kanada

Answer : B


The basic text of Uttara-Mimansa is ‘Brahma Sutra/Vedant Sutra.’

Q 19 - Consider the following statements:

1. The spread of Jainism was limited to India, but it is survived here.

2. Buddhism spread swiftly to foreign lands, but faded in India.

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

A - Only 1

B - Only 2

C - Both

D - Neither 1 nor 2

Answer : C


Buddhism is still a major religion in some geographic regions, e.g. Tibet.

Q 20 - Which among the following crimes is not discussed in Rig Veda?

A - Incest

B - Conjugal Infidelity

C - Theft

D - Abduction for money

Answer : D
