Hadoop Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Hadoop Framework. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - The concept using multiple machines to process data stored in distributed system is not new.

The High-performance computing (HPC) uses many computing machines to process large volume of data stored in a storage area network (SAN). As compared to HPC, Hadoop

A - Can process a larger volume of data.

B - Can run on a larger number of machines than HPC cluster.

C - Can process data faster under the same network bandwidth as compared to HPC.

D - Cannot run compute intensive jobs.

Answer : C

Q 3 - The following is not permitted on HDFS files

A - Deleting

B - Renaming

C - Moving

D - Executing.

Answer : D

Q 4 - The hadoop frame work is written in

A - C++

B - Python

C - Java

D - GO

Answer : C

Q 7 - When you increase the number of files stored in HDFS, The memory required by namenode

A - Increases

B - Decreases

C - Remains unchanged

D - May increase or decrease

Answer : A

Q 8 - Which one is not one of the big data feature?

A - Velocity

B - Veracity

C - volume

D - variety

Answer : B

Q 9 - Which technology is used to import and export data in Hadoop?

A - HBase

B - Avro

C - Sqoop

D - Zookeeper

Answer : C

Q 10 - The org.apache.hadoop.io.Writable interface declares which two methods? (Choose 2 answers.)

  1. public void readFields(DataInput).

  2. public void read(DataInput).

  3. public void writeFields(DataOutput).

  4. public void write(DataOutput).

A - 1 & 4

B - 2 & 3

C - 3 & 4

D - 2 & 4

Answer : A
