HBase Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to HBase. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - The Value that is unique across all the rows in Hbase table is

A - Rownum

B - RowIndex

C - RowID

D - RowKey

Answer : D


Rowkey is the value which is the unique values across all the rows.

Q 2 - The verison information of a record in a KeyValue instance is inspected using the method

A - getVersion()

B - getTimestamp()

C - getTime()

D - getVersioninfo()

Answer : B


The getTimestamp() method is used to inspect the specific verison associated with a KeyValue Instance.

Q 3 - The data type of a rowkey is

A - String

B - Number

C - Data

D - Byte

Answer : D


The rowkey values are stored as a byte data.

Q 4 - Typically a Hbase Regionserver is collocated with

A - HDFS Namenode

B - HDFS datanode

C - As a client to HDFS server

D - TAsktrackers

Answer : B


The Regionservers are collocated with the datanode of a HDFS system.

Q 5 - In a reduce-side join the Mapreduce step which is used to collocate the relevant records form the two joining data sets is

A - Map step

B - Reduce step

C - Shuffle and sort step

D - Final output step

Answer : C


A reduce-side join takes advantage of the intermediate Shuffle Step to collocate relevant records from the two sets.

Q 6 - Which of the following pair is an option for effectively distributing the data across multiple regions?

A - Hashing, salting

B - Hashing, threading

C - Salting, windowing

D - Threading, salting

Answer : A


Hashing the rowkeys gives randomly distributed values and salting involves adding a random number to the rowkey. Both these options create a good distribution of keys to be used across multiple regions.

Q 7 - The length of the name of the column family should be

A - As small as possible

B - Preferably one character

C - As large as possible

D - Does not matter

Answer : B


The colun family name should be ideally one character so that metadata associated with a cell is minimum.

Answer : D


The two classes provided by co-processors to extend it custom its functionalities are −


Q 9 - If one single column family exceeds the maximum file size specified by Hbase configuration then

A - Data load error is encountered

B - The column family is dropped

C - The data in the column family is truncated

D - The region is split

Answer : D


Once the max file size is reached, the region is split into two.

Q 10 - The exported data using the inbuilt export utility from Hbase table is in which file format

A - Binaryfiles

B - Csv files

C - Sequence files

D - CRF files

Answer : C


The data exported from Hbase table using the inbuilt export utility is in sequence file format.
