Software Testing - Strategies

The preparation of a test strategy document is done at the early phases of the Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC). It forms a critical part of the test documentation process. It mainly focuses on the various types, levels, and approaches of testing to be adopted for ensuring the software quality.

What is a Test Strategy?

It is just like a plan for describing the methodologies to be used in the STLC. It also contains information about the techniques to be adopted in testing, which modules will be tested, what are the entry and exit criteria, what kind of testing will be carried out, items which can be automated etc. Thus a test strategy documents everything that examines the software and enhances its quality.

A test strategy is also made on the basis of the development design document of the software. Once it is created, it is shared across the teams so that each of the members are aware of testing perspectives and responsibilities.

What is a Test Strategy Document?

A test strategy is a detailed document which once created has to be reviewed, and approved by all the project stakeholders, namely the managers, product owners, business analysts, testing team, etc. It is a one time activity derived from the software business requirements, and cannot be modified later.

A test strategy document also describes all the test methodologies, scope, plan, resources, which all modules that will be a part of testing, what conditions need to be satisfied for the entry and exit criteria, what all testing varieties to be adopted etc. It basically summarizes all things needed in terms of testing, and how to achieve that.

In short, a test strategy document explains how the testing of the software needs to be done, if automation will be taken up for testing, how the resources will be aligned to complete the entire testing process etc. The task of creating a test strategy also depends on the customer expectations, budget, project set up, risk analysis, test objectives, testing standards and regulations.

Components of a Test Strategy

The components of a test strategy are listed below −

Scope and Overview of the Project

This is the first part of the test strategy document. It details the project overview, the target audience, and approvers of the test strategy document. It also lists down the testing activities, stages, and schedules that will be followed as per the project deadlines described in the test plan.

Test Methodologies

This is the next part of the test strategy document. It describes the extent of testing, processes, levels, methodologies, and roles and responsibilities of every team member. It also explains the reason behind each type of testing, when to start testing, automation tools to be used etc.

Test Environment

This is another part of the test strategy document. It describes how to create, procure, copy, and restore the test data, number of test environments, and configurations. It also specifies the number of users in the test environment, user credentials, hardware, software etc required for the test environment.

Testing Tools

It is another section of the test strategy document which describes the tools that will be used for test management and automation. It also tells about the testing approaches and tools required for performance, load, and security testing. It clearly lists down if the tools are open-source or licensed and number of users using them in the project.

Release Control

This section is added to the test strategy document to make the release management and test execution a methodical process.

Risk Analysis

All potential risks and hazards that may come up while testing the software are documented in this section of the test strategy document. It lists down all risks, hazards, problems and their mitigation, back up, and contingency plans.

Reviews and Approvals

This is the last section of the test strategy document. Every section of the test strategy document needs to be examined by the business, development, and management teams. It should have the correct date, approver and reviewer names, comments, revision history etc.

Difference Between a Test Strategy and Test Plan

A test strategy document is developed from the business requirements, while a test plan is developed from the software requirements. Usually, the test manager or lead creates the test plan whereas the test strategy is designed by the business analyst and product managers.

Once the requirements are finalized, the test plan is created, however the test strategy is created first then the test plan is designed. A test plan can be modified however, the test strategy is a static document.

How is a Test Strategy Selected?

A test strategy is selected based on the below items −

  • It is selected based on the nature and size of the project and the organization.
  • It is selected based on the project requirements and on the basis of which the software is developed.
  • It also depends on if the strategy is for a short term or a long term project.

What do the Test Strategy Documents Consist of?

A test strategy document consists of the sections listed below −

  • Scope and Overview
  • Reusable components in the project
  • Testing Levels, Types, Techniques, etc
  • Testing Environment
  • Testing Tools
  • Risk Assessment
  • Entry and Exit Criteria
  • Test Execution Report
  • Test Metrics
  • Regression Testing
  • Degrees of Dependence on Tests
  • Defects Detected
  • Roles and Responsibilities


This concludes our comprehensive take on the tutorial on Software Testing - Strategies. We’ve started with describing what is a test strategy, what is a test strategy document, what are the components of a test strategy, what are the differences between a test strategy and test plan, how a test strategy is selected, and what do the test strategy document consist of.

This equips you with in-depth knowledge of Software Testing - Strategies. It is wise to keep practicing what you’ve learned and exploring others relevant to Software Testing to deepen your understanding and expand your horizons.
