Sqoop Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Sqoop. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - Which of the following is used by sqoop to establish a connection with enterprise data warehouses?

A - RDBMS driver

B - JDBC Driver

C - IDBC Driver

D - SQL Driver

Answer : B


The JDBC driver is a java program which has been traditionally providing data base connectivity to a variety of databases.

Answer : C


Sqoop uses the --last-value parameter in both the append mode and the last_update_date mode to import the incremental data form source.

Answer : C


With the The free form query we can write a sql query involving a join between 2 tables and mention it with --query parameter while importing. It is used in place of the --table parameter.

Q 4 - While inserting data into Relational system from Hadoop using sqoop, the various table constraints present in the relational table must be

A - Disabled temporarily

B - Dropped and re created

C - Renamed

D - Not violated

Answer : D


We must verify that the data being exported does not violate the constraints error.

Answer : A


The insert query is generated only by the sqoop command and processed as such without any further modification by any other driver.

Q 6 - Can sqoop use the TRUNCATE option in database while clearing data from a table?

A - Yes

B - No

C - Depends on the database

D - Depends on the Hadoop configuration

Answer : C


If available through the database driver, sqoop can clear the data quickly using TRUNCATE option.

Q 7 - The parameter which can be used in place of --table parameter to insert data into table is

A - –call

B - –insert-into

C - –populate

D - –load-into

Answer : A


The –call parameter will call a database stored procedure which in turn can insert data into table.

Q 8 - To ensure that the columns created in hive by sqoop have the correct data types the parameter used by sqoop is

A - --map-column-hive

B - --map-column

C - --column-hive

D - --map-table-hive

Answer : A


The correct column mapping is handled by the parameter --map-column-hive.

Q 9 - The data type of the column used for partition name while importing data using sqoop ino hive can be

A - only string

B - string or numeric

C - only date

D - string without special characters

Answer : A


Sqoop can only take strings as partition column names while loading data to hive.

Answer : B


This is the command to execute a sqoop job already saved in the metastore.
