Perfect Tense of Verbs Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Perfect Tense of Verbs. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - I ... in an airplane yet but I plan to do so this summer.

A - have never flown

B - didn't fly

C - have flown

D - hadn't flown

Answer : A


The action happened in the past, but it led to a resultant action, or reaction in the present, so it is present perfect.

Q 2 - He ... how to handle computers.

A - Had learnt

B - Has learnt

C - Have learnt

D - Will have learnt

Answer : B


The action happened in the past, but it led to a resultant action, or reaction in the present, so it is present perfect.

Q 3 - Tony ... in Madrid for a long time.

A - Had lived

B - Has lived

C - Have lived

D - Will have lived

Answer : B


The action happened in the past, but it led to a resultant action, or reaction in the present, so it is present perfect.

Q 4 - Although I … the Mishras many years now, I ... never understood them.

A - Had known, has

B - Have known, have

C - Have known, had

D - Will have known, will have

Answer : B


The action happened in the past, but it led to a resultant action, or reaction in the present, so it is present perfect.

Q 5 - I don’t know if something ... to this wristwatch.

A - Had happened

B - Has happened

C - Have happened

D - Will have happened

Answer : B


The action happened in the past, but it led to a resultant action, or reaction in the present, so it is present perfect.

Q 6 - Tommy ... Susan for five years before finally proposing her.

A - Had dated

B - Has dated

C - Have dated

D - Will have dated

Answer : A


The action happened earlier than the other action mentioned in the sentence, hence it is to be mentioned in past perfect.

Answer : A


The action happened earlier than the other action mentioned in the sentence, hence it is to be mentioned in past perfect.

Q 8 - His cousin ... just recovered from a severe heart-attack.

A - Had

B - Has

C - Have

D - Will have

Answer : B


The action happened in the past, but it led to a resultant action, or reaction in the present, so it is present perfect.

Q 9 - We all ... tried but haven't succeeded yet.

A - did

B - have been

C - were

D - have

Answer : D


The action had started in the past but generates interest in the present.

Q 10 - How anyone ... to study in such difficult conditions is anybody's guess.

A - has managed

B - will manage

C - managed

D - is managing

Answer : A


The action had started in the past but generates interest in the present.
