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Android Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Android. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Answer : C


Pending Intent is fired or triggered at a future point of time.

Answer : A


View Group is collaborating with views and other child views,It is an invisible container and base classes for layouts.

Answer : D


Using putExtra() method, we can send the data. While using it, we need to call setResult() method in services. We can also store data in a common database and access it on services as well as in Activity.

Answer : D


sendBroadcast() &miuns; It's normal broadcast.

sendOrderBroadcast() &miuns; It has an order priority

sendStickyBroadcast() &miuns; Intent passed with broadcast for future users.

Answer : C


GPRS and Location provider is used to fetch the current location of a phone as longitude and latitude.

Answer : C

To find the last known location of a phone we need to use LastKnownLocation, the syntax is as shown below.

Location location = LocationServices.FusedLocationApi.getLastLocation(mGoogleApiClient);

Answer : A

Http request has get and post methods and it returns the response from the servers.

Q 8 - What is the HTTP response error code status in android?

A - status code < 100

B - status code > 100

C - status >= 400

D - None of the above

Answer : C

HTTP status code >= 400 means error else success. Status code 404 means page not found

Q 9 -What are return types of startActivityForResult() in android?




D - A & B

E - B & C

Answer : D

strartActivityforResult() returns RESULT_OK and RESULT_CANCEL.

Answer : A

The Interface acts as a bridge between class and the outside world. Interface contains method declaration, nested types, and constants.
