HBase Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to HBase. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Answer : A


There is only one Memstore per column family

Q 2 - Each version of data within a cell adds a versioning information through a

A - VersionNo

B - KeyValue

C - KeyNo

D - VersionValue

Answer : B


Each version of data within a cell contributes one KeyValue instance to the Result.

Q 3 - The values stored inside a cell which is identified using a rowkey, column family and column qualifier is stored as

A - Byte

B - Number

C - Varchar

D - Nchar

Answer : A


The data stored inside a cell is always in Byte format.

Q 4 - A small chunk of data residing in one machine which is part of a cluster of machines holding one Hbase table is known as

A - Split

B - Region

C - Rowarea

D - Tablearea

Answer : B


A region in Hbase table represents a small chunk of data which is part of a large Hbase table distributed across many servers.

Answer : A


HBase stores its data on a single file system. It assumes all the RegionServers have access to that file system across the entire cluster.

Answer : B


The toe predefined namespace in Hbase are – habse and default. Habse contains internal tables and default contains the tables which are not qualified with any namespace.

Answer : A


They result from Hbase is sorted by

ColumnFamily,,Column qualifier, rowkey,,timestamp

Q 8 - The type of coprocessors which are similar to the stored procedures in relational database is

A - Store coprocessor

B - Parallel coprocessor

C - Observer

D - Endpoint

Answer : D


The Endpoint type of coprocessor is similar to the data abse store dprocedure in relational systems.

Answer : D


Only the write-ahead replay cerates the recovered.edits file

Answer : C


Without changing the schema awe can add columns to a column family in Hbase.
