Medieval Indian History - Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Medieval Indian History. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - The great poet Tulsidas lived during the period of …

A - Akbar

B - Jahangir

C - Harsha

D - Chandragupta Maurya

Answer : A


Tulsidas born in 1532.

Q 2 - Who among the following had written the book ‘Sastra Dipika?’

A - Parthasarthi Misra

B - Vighanes Vara

C - Jimuta Vahana

D - Pampa Ramayan

Answer : A



Q 3 - Who among the following had introduced a ‘du aspa sih aspa system?’

A - Shah Jahan

B - Jahangir

C - Akbar

D - Aurangzeb

Answer : B


The literal meaning of du aspa sih aspa was - the troopers having 2 or 3 horses; therefore, it was actually related to the sawar rank.

Q 4 - In reference to Mughal’s mansabdari system, consider the following statements:

1. Mansabdars were paid through revenue assignments (i.e. Jagirs).

2. Mansabdari system had four scale gradation.

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

A - Only 1

B - Only 2

C - Both

D - Neither 1 nor 2

Answer : A


It had three scale gradation system.

Q 5 - Who among the following had established the department namely ‘Diwan-i-Kohi?’

A - Muhammad Bin Tughlaq

B - Firoz Shah Tughlaq

C - Sikander Lodhi

D - Ibrahim Lodhi

Answer : A


Diwan-i-Kohi was the department of agriculture.

Q 6 - The philosophy of ‘Suddhavaita’ belongs to …

A - Vallabhacharya

B - Chaitanya

C - Madhavacharya

D - Nimbarkacharya

Answer : A



Q 7 - In which of the following years, Akbar built Ibadatkhana?

A - 1575

B - 1568

C - 1571

D - 1562

Answer : A



Q 8 - Who among the following had founded the Aravidu Dynasty?

A - Harihar and Bukka

B - Saluva Narsimha

C - Veer Narsimha

D - Tirumala

Answer : D


The period of Aravidu dynasty was 1565 to 1646 AD.

Q 9 - Akbar, the Mughal Emperor, had given the title of ‘Kavi Priya’ to …

A - Birbal

B - Ustad Mansur

C - Abdul Hassan

D - Lal Khan

Answer : A



Q 10 - Who among the following had given order to measure all the state’s land and fixed the state’s share?

A - Mubarak Shah

B - Alauddin Khalji

C - Aladun Masud

D - Muhammad Shah

Answer : B


