Statement and Arguments Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Statement and Arguments. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 1 - Statement: Should there be more relaxation for SC’s and ST’s in government jobs?


I. Yes, as they are backward classes, there should be more reservation.

II. No, there is already more relaxation for them and general students are facing tough competition.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : B


Only argument II is strong because, other backward class people have already been given relaxation. More relaxation will lead to problems for people of general category.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 2 - Statement: Should IITians working abroad be called back to India?


I. Yes, they must serve India first then the outside country.

II. Every person has right of freedom. No nation should take that away.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : B


Right to freedom is with everyone. One can work on his own interest. Nation can plea a request but cannot force the same.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 3 - Statement: Should fasts track business proposals must be signed between Germany and India?


I. No, we have already so many foreign companies doing business in India. Allowing more will cause harm to the local businessmen.

II. Yes, it will make German companies operate easily in India.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : A


As already more foreign companies are running in India, so it is not wise to allow further more beyond limit. Local entrepreneurs should be given chance instead.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 4 - Statement: Should our government adopt communist policy like Russia and China?


I. Yes we can become rich as Russia and China.

II. No, we have the prestige of being a biggest democratic country and we should stick to it.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : B


Accepting communist policy will not make the nation rich. Hence; it is not a strong argument but the II argument has logical base to support.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 5 - Statement: Should programming language be made compulsory for all students at secondary level?


I. Yes, digital India is demanding more software engineers.

II. No, this will create unwanted pressure on the students.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : A


Course should be implemented at basic level so that students will gain the knowledge and pressure will be less.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 6 - Statement: Should India allow US companies to explore petroleum resources available under its economic zone?


I. Yes, India is not having that much technical, money and manpower to conduct such explorations.

II. No, it may hamper our status and resources available with us.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : A


Argument I is strong because we have plenty of resources but don’t know how to use it. Argument II is weak.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 7 - Statement: Does a synonymous word suggest exactly the same word?


I. Yes, a rich and much spoken language has more than one word to express one thing.

II. No, it may be called synonym but if it is used in place of the previous word, the meaning changes slightly.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : B


Argument II is strong regarding the concept of synonym but argument I is weak.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 8 - Statement: Should English be the communication medium between the students and teachers in high school level?


I. Yes, it will help the students to talk in English and get command over language.

II. No, English must be there but it should not be mandatory as we are a sovereign and secular nation.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : E


Both the arguments are strong because English is important for future. At the same time we can’t force students to talk in English only.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 9 - Statement: Can an old person enjoy new movies more than old ones?


I. Yes, new movies are having new stories, drama and action which can be enjoyed a lot.

II. No, generally old persons are addicted to old movies.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : A


New movies are having new stories but in earlier days movies have generally only one story.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 10 - Statement: Should all the medicines that are manufactured at the western part of India be tried at sample basis before giving up license to sell fully in country?


I. Yes, because according the age group, the doses may vary.

II. No, practically this is not possible to implement.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : A


Health of the citizens should be the first priority over others.
