Theme Detection Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Theme Detection. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - Government is working hard on implementing new schemes in the commercial sector. Through the implication of online banking and M-wallet system, transparency of the transactions are tried to be maintained. All the government trading is now done online. Systems have been modified so that people can also pay through mobile.

Through this passage, the author is trying to say that;

Options :

A - The government is trying to move towards the E-commerce sector.

B - Internet is important nowadays

C - It is better to do the transactions online.

D - Online banking and M-wallet systems are important for online transactions.

Answer : A


Business transactions done through the Internet is called E-commerce.

Q 2 - Online shopping has changed the face of shopping since the past few years. People are going crazy and buying their stuffs online. It gives them the variety and the ease to choose by sitting comfortably at home. But sometimes they are following some consequences like, not the same colour product as shown on website, not that much good and strong as written etc.

Through this passage, the author is trying to say that;

Options :

A - Online shopping is good

B - Online shopping is bad

C - Nothing can be said

D - People are losing their judging capability

Answer : C


This is because the author is talking about both the positive and negative aspects of online shopping.

Q 3 - Countries like America and Canada focus more upon industrialization and they motivate the people on entrepreneurships. Therefore, it is very rare to find people over there migrating to other countries for the sake of good job. Now it is time for India to work upon the same blue print.

From the above passage, one thing can be guessed for sure that the author is;

Options :

A - Trying to motivate the people of India to go to countries like America and Canada for the sake of better employment.

B - India should have followed the same blue print much earlier.

C - Talking about the unemployment condition in India and the way to solve this issue.

D - None of the above

Answer : C


Clearly, a closer look at the passage can reflect the thought of the author.

Q 4 - If any child wants to experience true education then he/she must go through the real life situations. These situations compel the children to come out of his/her comfort zone and to act a member zone of unity. This creates a special image and the education gained through this remains a lesson for the lifetime.

From the passage, one thing can be assured that the real education

Options :

A - Can be experienced through real life action and stimulation.

B - Can be experienced if the children are strong enough.

C - Is not available in schools.

D - None of the above

Answer : A


Option A best describes the theme of the passage.

Q 5 - Depletion of the ozone layer is the main point of concern nowadays in this world. Due to the over-utilization of ACs in cars and other industries, heavy amount of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide is emitted and these are creating pit holes in the ozone layer. This may lead to the entry of more and more harmful rays into the earth.

Which statement best supports the passage?

Options :

A - Ozone layer is important to be secured.

B - No one is paying attention in preserving ozone layer.

C - Care should be taken to preserve the ozone layer.

D - None of the above

Answer : C


Option C best describes the theme of the passage.

Q 6 - Many students prefer to study till late nights but recent research has showed that this habit causes a hindrance and creates problems in leading healthier lifestyles. Instead of this, one can go for early hour studies. This is beneficial and guarantees you better memorising.

The statement that supports the passage that

Options :

A - Early morning study is better than late night study.

B - Studying late nights is not good.

C - Studying should be done in day time only.

D - None of the above

Answer : A


Option A best explains the theme of the passage.

Q 7 - After Moscow’s home world athletics championships, a popular Russian pole vault lady champion announced her permanent retirement. This double Olympic champion was none other than Yelena Isinbayeva.

From the above passage, the statement that best supports the theme of the passage is:

Options :

A - Yelena loves her country very much.

B - Yelena is the best pole vault player world has ever seen.

C - Yelena is also a very good human being.

D - Moscow is the luckiest city for Yelena.

Answer : A


Yelena loves her country so she had decided to quit in her country. Hence, option A is the right answer.

Q 8 - In one of their most brutal act this year, popular banned terrorist group CPI (Maoist) had attacked a police vehicle in Bihar district last night killing 6 policemen, including ACP.

Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

Options :

A - Police department should increase their combat training.

B - CPI (Maoist) are those group who always supports violence.

C - Govt. should fulfil demand of groups like these.

D - Govt. should increase security for all the ACPs.

Answer : B


Option B can be inferred from the passage.

Q 9 - Working in mini laptops is much more comfortable than big ones. They provide ease of access and are very light in weight. So people find it handy to carry anywhere they like.

Through this passage writer wants to pass the message that

Options :

A - Mini laptops are becoming more popular than big ones.

B - Big laptops are losing market interest.

C - All of the above

D - None of the above

Answer : A


They are becoming more popular due to the fact that they are light in weight and are giving more ease of access.

Q 10 - No one on the earth has power to question another person on his/her choice of dressing. Still modern dressing style of Indian women is a questionable affair. People tend to judge the character of a women from her dressing.

Options :

A - Author supports on freedom of dressing for women.

B - Author doesn’t support on freedom of dressing for women.

C - Author is neutral on freedom of dressing for women.

D - Author’s view on freedom of dressing for women can’t be judged clearly from above passage.

Answer : A


First sentence in the passage clears it all.
