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Software Testing - Benchmark Testing

Software goes through multiple types of testing to verify its functional and non-functional requirements. The functional testing involves checking if the features and functionalities of the software are working as expected. The non-functional testing is done to check its performance, stability, scalability, usability, responsiveness. The benchmark testing is a part of non-functional testing.

What is Benchmark Testing?

The benchmark testing forms a part of the software development life cycle (SDLC). It balances the outcome of the performance testing with the performance metrics to identify the present performance of the software and proposes any modifications to enhance it. It includes the performance of the hardware, software, connectivity etc. It mainly works on the current and future release of the software to ensure high quality.

A benchmark should be observable and measurable to identify the software performance. For example, the response time of an e-commerce application should be stable both during the festive seasons and normal time.

Benchmark Components for Database

  • SQL Indexes
  • SQL Triggers
  • Firewalls
  • Networks
  • Hardware Settings
  • Table Space Settings
  • SQL Queries

Benchmark Components for Client-Server

  • Page Load Time
  • Response Time
  • Accessibility
  • Broken Links
  • Browser Compatibility

Importance of Benchmark Testing

The importance of benchmark testing are listed below −

  • It compares the performance results of the software with its competitors.
  • It is implemented to raise the quality of the software.
  • It incorporates the service level agreement.
  • It enhances the customer satisfaction and experiences while using the software.
  • It detects the errors in the software which need to be eluded.
  • It measures the present performance of software and suggests ways to enhance it.

Phases of Benchmark Testing

The phases of benchmark testing are listed below −


In this phase, the standards and benchmarks are prioritized.


In this phase, the aim and scope of the testing are defined to detect the issues and fix them.


In this phase, integration of both the functional and non-functional requirements are done and the outcomes are shared for approval.


In this phase, the test plan and other documentations are created. The performance tests are executed continuously and the corresponding results are examined.

Different Benchmark Testing Techniques

The different benchmark testing techniques are listed below −

  • Benchmark preparation
  • Benchmark test case designing
  • Benchmark test case execution
  • Benchmark test result analysis

Advantages of Benchmark Testing

The advantages of benchmark testing are listed below −

  • It is mostly done to enhance the software quality.
  • It does not require additional expenses.
  • It determines the critical tasks that need to be performed on the software.
  • It verifies the software performances in multiple devices and setups. for example, ipad, tablets, mobile phones etc.
  • It measures the performance of the software.
  • It is utilized by development teams as well.
  • It determines and examines the system attacks against Firewalls etc.

Disadvantages of Benchmark Testing

The disadvantages of benchmark testing are listed below −

  • There is a need to identify the correct tool for running the test cases.
  • An accurate and thorough test plan creation is mandatory to guide the entire testing process.
  • The testers need to have product and domain knowledge to create end-to-end scenarios for the benchmark testing.


This concludes our comprehensive take on the tutorial on Software Benchmark Testing. We’ve started with describing what is benchmark testing, benchmark components for database, benchmark components for client-server, what are the importance of benchmark testing, what are the phases of benchmark testing, advantages and disadvantages of benchmark testing. This equips you with in-depth knowledge of Software Benchmark Testing. It is wise to keep practicing what you’ve learned and exploring others relevant to Software Testing to deepen your understanding and expand your horizons.
