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Software Testing - Code Freeze

Each step in the software development life cycle (SDLC) has specific roles to play for the product development. Code freeze is an activity where the developers pause to make any further code changes. There are three types of freezes in SDLC, namely requirement freeze, code freeze, and feature freeze.

What is a Code Freeze?

Code freeze is stopping any modification in the code for a certain period of time. It generally takes place at the later stages of SDLC, while the software is being planned for a release. Thus, it is done to limit further changes to the software just before being shipped to the customers.

A code freeze is implemented to avert a situation where the developers make changes to the code at the last moment, and impact its stability. As a code freeze is announced, there are no possibilities to make any updates to the software.

However, in case of unavoidable circumstances, where critical bug fixes need to be made, code changes can be pushed by the developers only after a thorough review and approvals from the project stakeholders. Post code fix stage, the software is considered ready for production deployment.

This concept is generally followed in the waterfall model of development. However, it is not widely accepted in the Agile framework since it is redundant there and does not follow the principles of agile. Moreover, it brings down the software quality and slows down production release.

Why is Code Freeze Important?

Code freeze is important for the reasons listed below −

  • It avoids potential risks on the code stability.
  • It does not allow the developers to make recurrent changes to the software.
  • It provides flexibility to the developers to integrate multiple modules without worrying about unforeseen errors.
  • It helps to continue a good site performance by stopping service disturbances.

Advantages of Code Freeze

The advantages of code freeze are listed below −

  • Restricts unforeseen modifications and errors during code changes.
  • It confirms a stable software.
  • Code freeze period can be utilized by developers for other code optimization projects.

Disadvantages of Code Freeze

The disadvantages of code freeze are listed below −

  • It can result in poorly developed code due to strict project timelines.
  • It requires approval from project stakeholders before starting a code freeze.
  • It requires approval from project stakeholders to make critical bug fixes during a code freeze.
  • The developers are not fully occupied with work during the code freeze period.

Best Practices to be Followed Before Code Freeze

The best practices to be followed before code freeze are listed below −

  • Incorporate all modifications before a code freeze.
  • Verify and resolve all types of defects prior to a code freeze.
  • Verify if no new errors are introduced after any code changes.
  • Complete security testing before code freeze.


This concludes our comprehensive take on the tutorial on Software Code Freeze. We’ve started with describing what is a code freeze, why a code freeze is important, advantages and disadvantages of code freeze, and best practices to be followed before code freeze. This equips you with in-depth knowledge of Software Code Freeze. It is wise to keep practicing what you’ve learned and exploring others relevant to Software Testing to deepen your understanding and expand your horizons.
