Gerunds, Infinitives and Participles Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Gerunds, Infinitives and Participles. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - The officials were planning ... the meeting but the investors were not willing ... the discussion.

A - to postpone / to stop

B - postponing / stopped

C - to postpone / stopping

D - have postponed / to have stopped

Answer : A


An infinitive has the exact job as that of a gerund, however the difference is that while a gerund is formed by using verb + "ing", infinitives are formed by using "to" + verb/verb phrase.

Answer : C


An infinitive has the exact job as that of a gerund, however the difference is that while a gerund is formed by using verb + "ing", infinitives are formed by using "to" + verb/verb phrase.

Q 3 - The shopkeeper denied ... of the inferior quality of noodles.

A - having informed

B - having been informed

C - to have informed

D - to have been informed

Answer : B


A gerund is used as a noun, but is formed by using verb/verb phrase + "ing". It is not the main verb in a sentence and is used to mention the reasons of the action taking place.

Q 4 - They were lucky ... before the bridge collapsed.

A - rescuing

B - to have rescued

C - to rescue

D - to have been rescued

Answer : D


An infinitive has the exact job as that of a gerund, however the difference is that while a gerund is formed by using verb + "ing", infinitives are formed by using "to" + verb/verb phrase.

Q 5 - The thieves avoided ... by jumping the signal.

A - were outside.

B - catching

C - being caught

D - to have been caught

Answer : C


A gerund is used as a noun, but is formed by using verb/verb phrase + "ing". It is not the main verb in a sentence and is used to mention the reasons of the action taking place.

Q 6 - My work needs me … even on weekends.

A - Work

B - To work

C - Working

D - Worked

Answer : B


An infinitive has the exact job as that of a gerund, however the difference is that while a gerund is formed by using verb + "ing", infinitives are formed by using "to" + verb.

Q 7 - I really miss ... in my village where there is pure air to breathe.

A - Live

B - to live

C - living

D - lived

Answer : C


A gerund is used as a noun, but is formed by adding an action-word with "ing". It is not the main verb in a sentence and is used to mention the reasons of the action taking place.

Q 8 - My parents can’t wait ... me in the holidays.

A - See

B - to see

C - seeing

D - seen

Answer : B


An infinitive has the exact job as that of a gerund, however the difference is that while a gerund is formed by using verb + "ing", infinitives are formed by using "to" + verb.

Q 9 - He gives lessons on … in Chinese.

A - Spoke

B - To speaking

C - To speak

D - Speaking

Answer : D


A gerund is used as a noun, but is formed by adding an action-word with "ing". It is not the main verb in a sentence and is used to mention the reasons of the action taking place.

Q 10 - He decided … Engineering.

A - Studying

B - To study

C - Studied

D - To studying

Answer : B


An infinitive has the exact job as that of a gerund, however the difference is that while a gerund is formed by using verb + "ing", infinitives are formed by using "to" + verb.
