Verbal Ability - Nouns Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Nouns. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - Replace the errors, if any, in the sentence with the suitable option:

It will takes all of your efforts to complete this assignment on time.

A - Take

B - Assignments

C - These

D - Effort

Answer : A


Will is not used with the ‘s’ form of verbs.

Q 2 - Replace the errors, if any, in the sentence with the suitable option:

The Trojan’s rash decision to accept the wooden horse led to their destruction.

A - Trojans’

B - his

C - horses

D - decisions

Answer : A


The word Trojans is a group of people, and is plural, hence apostrophe will be used after the entire plural word.

Q 3 - I listened to a lot of …

A - peoples

B - people

C - story

D - musics

Answer : B


A lot of is used with plural words, musics and peoples don’t use plurals, and story is in singular, hence people.

Q 4 - She didn't eat much for lunch, only ... apple.

A - some

B - an

C - many

D - Energy

Answer : B


The word apple is singular, hence ‘an’.

Q 5 - Has someone seen my bunch of key?

A - keys

B - keyies

C - keies

D - keyes

Answer : A


The word bunch is plural, hence keys.

Q 6 - He considers Rajat as one of his biggest enemy.

A - enemys

B - enemies

C - enemyes

D - enemes

Answer : B


The words “one of his biggest” implies one of a group, hence multiple enemies, so enemies.

Q 7 - Tom has bought a couple of ...

A - trout’s

B - trout

C - trouts

D - trouts’

Answer : C


The word couple is plural, hence trouts.

Q 8 - Have you ever met those ...

A - Swiss

B - Swees

C - Sweden

D - Swedenese

Answer : A


The word Swiss is used the same way both in singular and plural form.

Q 9 - Replace the errors, if any, in the sentence with the suitable option:

Rajivs’ parents tried living in the north, but they could not adapt to the cold climate there.

A - South

B - Rajiv’s

C - Lives

D - Adapts

Answer : B


Rajiv is a singular person, hence apostrophe’ will be between Rajiv and s.

Q 10 - Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the word in brackets:

They bought off two … (pony) from the market.

A - ponies

B - poneys

C - ponys

D - pony

Answer : A


The word two is plural, hence ponies.
